Selected References - from Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing
Ahmed, Sara. On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Duke University Press. 2012.
Alexander, Will. Singing in Magnetic Hoofbeat: Essays, Prose Texts, Interviews, and a Lecture, 1997-2007. Edited by Taylor Brady. Essay Press, 2012.
Ali, Kazim. “Addressing Structural Racism in Creative Writing Programs.” Writer’s Chronicle. October 2016. Web.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 3rd ed. Aunt Lute Book. San Francisco, 2007.
Black, Sheila and Bartlett. Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability. Cinco Puntos Press, 2011.
Blakemore, Jill and Judyth Sachs. “Managing Equity Work in the Performative University.” Australian Feminist Studies. 2003.
Borich, Barrie Jean. “The Craft of Writing Queer.” Brevity. 2012.
Case, Kim A. Deconstructing Privilege: Teaching and Learning as Allies in the Classroom. Routledge, 2013.
Case, Kim A. Intersectional Pedagogy: Complicating Identity and Social Justice. Routledge, 2017.
Chaves, Alicia Fedelina, and Susan Diana Longerbeam. Teaching Across Cultural Strengths: A Guide to Balancing Integrated and Individuated Cultural Frameworks in College Teaching. Stylus, 2016.
Cooley, Nicole. “Literary Legacies and Critical Transformations: Teaching Creative Writing in the Public Urban University.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 2003.
Crushway, Phil and Michael Warr, eds. Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin. Norton, 2016.
Danticat, Edwidge. Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work. Vintage, 2011.
Das, Kavita. “On Parsing.” 6 February 2016.
Derricotte, Toi. “Baring/Bearing Anger: Race in the Creative Writing Classroom.” Writers Chronicle. October/November 1995.
Díaz, Junot. “MFA VS. POC.” New Yorker. 30 April 2014. Web.
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau. The Pink Guitar. Routledge, 1990.
Gordimer, Nadine. Telling Times: Writing and Living. Bloomsbury, 2010.
Grande, Sandy. Red Pedagogy: Native American Social and Political Thought. Rowman and Littlefield, 2004.
Hegamin, Tonya. “Inclusion and Diversity: A Manifesto and Interview.” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Hill, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle and McCall, Sophie. The Land We Are: Artists and Writers Unsettle the Politics of Reconciliation. ARP, 2015.
Hong, Cathy Park. “Delusions of Whiteness in the Avant-Garde.” Lana Turner 7. November 2014.
Jiménez, Ileana. The Feminist Teacher: Educating for Equity and Justice. 13 April 2014. Web.
Jones, Omi Osun Joni L., Lisa L. Moore, Sharon Bridgeforth, eds. Experiments in a Jazz Aesthetic: Art, Activism, Academia, and the Austin Project. University of Texas Press, 2010.
Khakpour, Porochista. “The Others.” Guernica. 2011.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Lore, Practice, and Social Identity in Creative Writing Pedagogy: Speaking with a Yellow Voice?” Pedagogy 10.1. Winter 2010.
Moody, Rick, Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Patrick Roth, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Minae Mizumura, Katja Lange-Muller, and Yoko Tawada. “Inappropriate Appropriation: A Believer Nighttime Event. PEN America World Voices Festival, 2005.” Web.
Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Vintage, 1992.
Morrison, Toni. Interview with Bill Moyers, World of Ideas television series. March 1990.
Mura, David. “Ferguson, Whiteness as Default, and the Teaching of Creative Writing.” Writers Chronicle. October/November 2016. Web.
Mura, David. “White Writing Teachers (or David Foster Wallace vs. James Baldwin).” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Neigh, Janet. “Dreams of Uncommon Language: Transnational Feminist Pedagogy and Multilingual Poetics.” Feminist Formations 26.1. Spring 2017.
Perry, Adrienne. “Writing Without Shelter.” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Probyn-Ramsey, Fiona. “Putting Complicity to Work for Accountability.” Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice. Eds. Begum Ozden Firat, Sarah De Mul, and Sonja van Wichelen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Rankine, Claudia, Beth Loffreda, and Max King Cap. The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race in the Life of the Mind. Fence Books, 2015.
Rankine, Claudia. “In Our Way: Racism in Creative Writing.” Writer’s Chronicle. October/November 2016.Web.
Rankine, Claudia. Citizen: An American Lyric. Graywolf, 2014.
Roof, Judith. Come as You Are: Sexuality and Narrative. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Schultz, Jeffery. “Cliche as Reification: Nurturing Criticality In the Undergraduate Creative Writing Classroom.” New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 12.1. 2015.
Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective.” Contemporary Creative Nonfiction: I & Eye, Ed. Bich Minh Nguyen and Porter Shreve. Pearson, 2004.
Sue, Derald Wing. Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation. John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
Teleky, Richard. “‘Entering the Silence: Voice, Ethnicity, and the Pedagogy of Creative Writing.” MELUS 26.1. Spring 2001.
Thaxton, Terry Ann. Creative Writing in the Community: A Guide. Bloomsbury, 2014.
Tuitt, Frank and Chayla Haynes. Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education. Stylus, 2016.
Wang, Dorothy. Thinking its Presence: Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Asian American Poetry. Stanford University Press, 2014.
Xi, Xu. “Three Commandments for Writing about Race.” Brevity 53. Fall 2016.
More from Creative Writing Studies
Aldridge, John. Talents and Technicians: Literary Chic and the New Assembly-Line Fiction. Scribner’s Maxwell Macmillan International. New York, 1992.
Aldridge, John. “The New American Assembly-Line Fiction: An Empty Blue Center.” The
American Scholar 59.1. Winter 1990.
Adams, Katherine H. A Group of Their Own: College Writing Courses and American Women
Writers. 1880-1940. State University of New York Press, 2001.
Adams, Katherine H. A History of Professional Writing Instruction In American Colleges: Years of Acceptance, Growth, and Doubt. Southern Methodist University Press. Dallas, 1993.
Bennett, Eric. Workshops of Empire: Stegner, Engle, and American Creative Writing during the Cold War. University of Iowa Press, 2015.
Bigelow, Charles. “A Writing Revolution.” Seed Magazine. 17 January 2013.
Bishop, Wendy. Released into Language: Options for Teaching Creative Writing. NCTE, 1990.
Bishop, Wendy and Stephen Armstrong. “Box Office Poison: The Influence of Writers in Films on Writers (in Graduate Programs).” Can it Really Be Taught? Resisting Lore in Creative Writing Pedagogy. Ed. Kelly Ritter and Stephanie Vanderslice, 1st ed. Heinemann, 2007.
Bizzaro, Patrick. “Research and Reflection in English Studies: The Special Case of Creative Writing.” College English. 2004.
Bradbury, Malcolm. “The Bridgeable Gap: Bringing Together the Creative Writer and the Critical Theorist in an Authorless World.” Times Literary Supplement. 1992.
Bulman, Colin. “Devising and Teaching a Creative Writing Course.” Critical Quarterly. 1894.
Burnham, Clint. The Only Poetry That Matters: Reading the Kootenay School of Writing. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.
Cain, Mary Ann. “To Be Lived’: Theorizing Influence in Creative Writing.” College English 2009.
Chaves, Geri Giebel. Poetry and Story Therapy: The Healing Power of Creative Expression. Kingsley Publishers, 2011.
Clark, Timothy. The Theory of Inspiration: Composition as a Crisis of Subjectivity in Romantic and Post-Romantic Writing. Manchester University Press, 1997.
Coles, Katharine. “Short Fiction.” Teaching Creative Writing, Ed. Graeme Harper, Continuum, 2006.
Conroy, Frank. Eleventh Draft: Craft and the Writing Life from Iowa Writers’ Workshop. HarperCollins, 1999.
Damon, Maria. “Post-Literary Poetry, Counterperformance, and Micropoetries.” Poetry & Pedagogy: The Challenge of the Contemporary. Ed. Joan Retallack and Juliana Spar. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Damon, Maria. Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries. University of Iowa Press, 2011.
Dana, Robert. A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. University of Iowa Press, 1999.
Desalvo, Louise. Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives. Beacon, 1999.
Domina, Lynn. “The Body of My Work Is Not Just a Metaphor.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy. Ed. Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostorm. NCTE, 1994.
Donnelly, Dianne. Establishing Creative Writing Studies as an Academic Discipline. Multilingual Matters, 2012.
Downs, Doug and Elizabeth Wardle. “Teaching about Writing, Righting Misconceptions: (Re)Envisioning ‘First-Year Composition’ as ‘Introduction to Writing Studies.’” College Composition and Communication. 2007.
Fenza, David. “The Centre Has Not Held: Creative Writing & Pluralism.” New Writing: International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing. 2011.
Green, Chris. “Materializing the Sublime Reader: Cultural Studies, Reader Response, and Community Service in the Creative Writing Workshop. College English 64.2. November 2001.
Haake, Katherine. What Our Speech Disrupts: Feminism and Creative Writing Studies. NCTE, 2000.
Haake, Katherine. “Teaching Creative Writing if the Shoe Fits.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy, edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom. NCTE, 1994.
Hesse, Douglas. “The Place of Creative Writing in Composition Studies.” College Composition and Communication 62.1. 2010.
Forna, Aminatta. “Don’t Judge a Book by its Author.” The Guardian. 13 February 2015. Web.
Garber, Eugene and Jan Ramjerdi. “Reflections on the Teaching of Creative Writing: A Correspondence.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy, Ed. Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom. NCTE, 1994.
Kroll, Jeri. “Creativity, Craft, and the Canon: Unpacking the Cult(ure) of the Workshop.” The and is papers: proceedings of the 12th conference of the AAWP. 2007, Ed. Jen Webb and Jordan Williams. Web.
Leahy, Anna, ed. Power and Identity in the Creative Writing Classroom: The Authority Project. Multilingual Matters, 2005.
Lopate, Phillip. “On the Necessity of Turning Oneself into a Character.” I & Eye: Contemporary Creative Nonfiction, Ed. B. Minh Nguyen and Porter Shreve. Pearson Longman, 2005.
Madden, Matt. 99 Ways to Tell a Story. Chamberlain Brothers, 2005.
Myers, D.G. The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing since 1880. 1st ed. Prentice Hall, 1996.
Ostrom, Hans. “Introduction: Of Radishes and Shadows, Theory and Pedagogy.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy. NCTE, 1994.
Pelli, Dennis G. and Bigelow, Charles. “A Writing Revolution.” Seed Magazine (2009). January 2013.
Philips, Deborah and Liz Linington. Writing Well: Creative Writing and Mental Health. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999.
Pink, Daniel. “The MFA Is the New MBA.” Harvard Business Review. February 2004.
Ritter, Kelly. To Know Her Own History: Writing at the Woman’s College, 1943-1963. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012.
Ritter, Kelly. “Ethos Interrupted: Diffusing ‘Star’ Pedagogy in Creative Writing Programs.” College English 69. 2007.
Royster, Brent. “The Construction of Self in the Contemporary Creative Writing Workshop: A Personal Journey.” Bowling Green State University, 2006.
Sanders, Scott Russell. “The Writer in the University.” ADE Bulletin 99. Fall 1991.
Scharff, Jacna Wojcicka and Johanna Lessinger. “The Academic Sweatshop: Changes in the Capitalist Infrastructure and the Part-Time Academic.” Anthropology of Work Review 15.1. 2008.
Summerfield, Judith. “Is There a Life in This Text? Reimagining Narrative.” Writing Theory and Critical Theory, edited by John Clifford and John Schilb. Modern Language Association of America, 1994.
Vanderslice, Stephanie. Rethinking Creative Writing. Professional and Higher Partnership, 2011.
Wandor, Michelene. The Author Is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else: Creative Writing Reconceived. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Warner, Michael. “Uncritical Reading.” Polemic: Critical or Uncritical (Essays from the English Institute), Ed. Jane Gallup. Routlege, 2004.
Webb, Jen. Researching Creative Writing. Frontinus, 2015.
Welch, Nancy. “No Apology: Challenging the ‘Uselessness’ of Creative Writing.” Journal of Advanced Composition 19.1. Winter 1999.
Westbrook, Steve. “Just Do It: Creative Writing Exercises and the Ideology of American Handbooks.” New Writing:International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 1.2. 2004.
Composition Studies
Adler-Kassner, Linda and Elizabeth Wardle. Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of
Writing Studies. University Press of Colorado. 2015.
Bloom, Lynn Z. “Freshman Composition as Middle-Class Enterprise.” College English. 1996.
Clark, Suzanne. “Rhetoric, Social Construction, and Gender: Is It Bad to Be Sentimental?” Writing Theory and Critical Theory, Eds. John Clifford and John Schilb. Modern Language Association, 1994.
Conners, Robert J. Composition-Rhetoric: Backgrounds, Theory, and Pedagogy. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997.
Covino, William A. “Rhetorical Pedagogy.” A Guide to Composition Pedagogies, Ed. Gary Tate, et al., Oxford University Press, 2001.
Crowley, Sharon. Composition in the University: Historical and Polemical Essays. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.
Crowley, Sharon. The Methodical Memory: Invention in Current-Traditional Rhetoric. Southern Illinois University Press, 1990.
Davidson, Chad and Gregory Fraser. “Poetry.” Teaching Creative Writing. Ed. Graeme Harper. Continuum, 2006.
Davis, Christina. “Is the Constitution: Some Notes on Poetry & Activism.” Teachers & Writers Magazine. 12 November 2014.
D’Aguiar, Fred. “Towards a New Creative Writing Pedagogy.” Writer's Chronicle. October/November 2016.
Dawson, Paul. Creative Writing and the New Humanities. Routledge, 2005.
Delpit, Lisa. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. New Press, 2006.
Dworkin, Craig. “Opinion: Mycopedagogy.” College English. 2004.
Finn, Patrick J. Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest. 2nd ed. State of New York Press, 2009.
Kerr, Tom. “The Feeling of What Happens in Departments of English.” A Way to Move: Rhetorics of Emotion and Composition Studies, Ed. Dale Jacobs and Laura R. Micciche. Boynton/Cook, 2003.
Kerschbaum, Stephenie. Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference. National Council of Teachers of English, 2014.
McFarland, “An Apologia for Creative Writing.” College English 55 (January 1993).
McGurl, Mark. The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing. Harvard University Press, 2009.
Meyer, Jan and Ray Land. “Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: Linkages to Ways of Thinking and Practicing within the Disciplines.” Occasional Report 4, Enhancing Teaching-Learning Environments in Undergraduate Courses Project. Higher and Community Education, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Coventry, and Durham, 2003.
Miller, Susan. Textual Carnivals: The Politics of Composition. Southern Illinois University Press, 1991.
Murray, Donald. “Teach Writing as a Process Not Product.” Cross-Talk in Comp Theory. Victor Villanueva. 2nd ed. NCTE, 2003.
Newkirk, Thomas. The Performance of Self in Student Writing. Boyton/Cook, Heinemann, 1997.
Bravender, Patricia, Hazel McClure, and Gaule Schaub. Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarians. American Library Association, 2015.
Sano-Franchini, Jennifer. “It’s Like Writing Yourself into a Codependent Relationship With Someone Who Doesn't Even Want you! Emotional Labor, Intimacy, and the Academic Job Market in Rhetoric and Composition.” College Composition and Communication 68.1. September 2016.
Stuckey, Elspeth. The Violence of Literacy. Heinemann, 1990.
Wilder, Laura. Rhetorical Strategies and Genre Conventions in Literary Studies: Teaching and Writing in the Disciplines. Southern Illinois University Press, 2012.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake, Liane Robertson, and Kara Taczak. Writing Across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing. Utah State University Press, 2014.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key.” College Composition and Communication 56.2 (2004).
Ahmed, Sara. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh, 2004.
Bourdieu, Pierre. Distinction: The Field of Cultural Production. Translated by Randel Johnson. Columbia University Press, 1993.
Clark, Timothy. Ecocriticism on the Edge: The Anthropocene as a Threshold Concept. Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Collins, Jim. Bring on the Books for Everybody: How Literary Culture Became Popular Culture. Duke University Press, 2010.
Garber, Marjorie. Academic Instincts. Princeton University Press, 2001.
Hochschild, Arlie Russell. The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. University of California Press, 2003.
Martian, Mark. I’m With the Bears: Short Stories from a Damaged Planet. Verso, 2011.
Ahmed, Sara. On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Duke University Press. 2012.
Alexander, Will. Singing in Magnetic Hoofbeat: Essays, Prose Texts, Interviews, and a Lecture, 1997-2007. Edited by Taylor Brady. Essay Press, 2012.
Ali, Kazim. “Addressing Structural Racism in Creative Writing Programs.” Writer’s Chronicle. October 2016. Web.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 3rd ed. Aunt Lute Book. San Francisco, 2007.
Black, Sheila and Bartlett. Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability. Cinco Puntos Press, 2011.
Blakemore, Jill and Judyth Sachs. “Managing Equity Work in the Performative University.” Australian Feminist Studies. 2003.
Borich, Barrie Jean. “The Craft of Writing Queer.” Brevity. 2012.
Case, Kim A. Deconstructing Privilege: Teaching and Learning as Allies in the Classroom. Routledge, 2013.
Case, Kim A. Intersectional Pedagogy: Complicating Identity and Social Justice. Routledge, 2017.
Chaves, Alicia Fedelina, and Susan Diana Longerbeam. Teaching Across Cultural Strengths: A Guide to Balancing Integrated and Individuated Cultural Frameworks in College Teaching. Stylus, 2016.
Cooley, Nicole. “Literary Legacies and Critical Transformations: Teaching Creative Writing in the Public Urban University.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 2003.
Crushway, Phil and Michael Warr, eds. Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin. Norton, 2016.
Danticat, Edwidge. Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work. Vintage, 2011.
Das, Kavita. “On Parsing.” 6 February 2016.
Derricotte, Toi. “Baring/Bearing Anger: Race in the Creative Writing Classroom.” Writers Chronicle. October/November 1995.
Díaz, Junot. “MFA VS. POC.” New Yorker. 30 April 2014. Web.
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau. The Pink Guitar. Routledge, 1990.
Gordimer, Nadine. Telling Times: Writing and Living. Bloomsbury, 2010.
Grande, Sandy. Red Pedagogy: Native American Social and Political Thought. Rowman and Littlefield, 2004.
Hegamin, Tonya. “Inclusion and Diversity: A Manifesto and Interview.” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Hill, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle and McCall, Sophie. The Land We Are: Artists and Writers Unsettle the Politics of Reconciliation. ARP, 2015.
Hong, Cathy Park. “Delusions of Whiteness in the Avant-Garde.” Lana Turner 7. November 2014.
Jiménez, Ileana. The Feminist Teacher: Educating for Equity and Justice. 13 April 2014. Web.
Jones, Omi Osun Joni L., Lisa L. Moore, Sharon Bridgeforth, eds. Experiments in a Jazz Aesthetic: Art, Activism, Academia, and the Austin Project. University of Texas Press, 2010.
Khakpour, Porochista. “The Others.” Guernica. 2011.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Lore, Practice, and Social Identity in Creative Writing Pedagogy: Speaking with a Yellow Voice?” Pedagogy 10.1. Winter 2010.
Moody, Rick, Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Patrick Roth, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Minae Mizumura, Katja Lange-Muller, and Yoko Tawada. “Inappropriate Appropriation: A Believer Nighttime Event. PEN America World Voices Festival, 2005.” Web.
Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Vintage, 1992.
Morrison, Toni. Interview with Bill Moyers, World of Ideas television series. March 1990.
Mura, David. “Ferguson, Whiteness as Default, and the Teaching of Creative Writing.” Writers Chronicle. October/November 2016. Web.
Mura, David. “White Writing Teachers (or David Foster Wallace vs. James Baldwin).” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Neigh, Janet. “Dreams of Uncommon Language: Transnational Feminist Pedagogy and Multilingual Poetics.” Feminist Formations 26.1. Spring 2017.
Perry, Adrienne. “Writing Without Shelter.” Journal of Creative Writing Studies 1.1. 2016.
Probyn-Ramsey, Fiona. “Putting Complicity to Work for Accountability.” Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice. Eds. Begum Ozden Firat, Sarah De Mul, and Sonja van Wichelen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Rankine, Claudia, Beth Loffreda, and Max King Cap. The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race in the Life of the Mind. Fence Books, 2015.
Rankine, Claudia. “In Our Way: Racism in Creative Writing.” Writer’s Chronicle. October/November 2016.Web.
Rankine, Claudia. Citizen: An American Lyric. Graywolf, 2014.
Roof, Judith. Come as You Are: Sexuality and Narrative. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Schultz, Jeffery. “Cliche as Reification: Nurturing Criticality In the Undergraduate Creative Writing Classroom.” New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 12.1. 2015.
Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Language and Literature from a Pueblo Indian Perspective.” Contemporary Creative Nonfiction: I & Eye, Ed. Bich Minh Nguyen and Porter Shreve. Pearson, 2004.
Sue, Derald Wing. Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation. John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
Teleky, Richard. “‘Entering the Silence: Voice, Ethnicity, and the Pedagogy of Creative Writing.” MELUS 26.1. Spring 2001.
Thaxton, Terry Ann. Creative Writing in the Community: A Guide. Bloomsbury, 2014.
Tuitt, Frank and Chayla Haynes. Race, Equity, and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education. Stylus, 2016.
Wang, Dorothy. Thinking its Presence: Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Asian American Poetry. Stanford University Press, 2014.
Xi, Xu. “Three Commandments for Writing about Race.” Brevity 53. Fall 2016.
More from Creative Writing Studies
Aldridge, John. Talents and Technicians: Literary Chic and the New Assembly-Line Fiction. Scribner’s Maxwell Macmillan International. New York, 1992.
Aldridge, John. “The New American Assembly-Line Fiction: An Empty Blue Center.” The
American Scholar 59.1. Winter 1990.
Adams, Katherine H. A Group of Their Own: College Writing Courses and American Women
Writers. 1880-1940. State University of New York Press, 2001.
Adams, Katherine H. A History of Professional Writing Instruction In American Colleges: Years of Acceptance, Growth, and Doubt. Southern Methodist University Press. Dallas, 1993.
Bennett, Eric. Workshops of Empire: Stegner, Engle, and American Creative Writing during the Cold War. University of Iowa Press, 2015.
Bigelow, Charles. “A Writing Revolution.” Seed Magazine. 17 January 2013.
Bishop, Wendy. Released into Language: Options for Teaching Creative Writing. NCTE, 1990.
Bishop, Wendy and Stephen Armstrong. “Box Office Poison: The Influence of Writers in Films on Writers (in Graduate Programs).” Can it Really Be Taught? Resisting Lore in Creative Writing Pedagogy. Ed. Kelly Ritter and Stephanie Vanderslice, 1st ed. Heinemann, 2007.
Bizzaro, Patrick. “Research and Reflection in English Studies: The Special Case of Creative Writing.” College English. 2004.
Bradbury, Malcolm. “The Bridgeable Gap: Bringing Together the Creative Writer and the Critical Theorist in an Authorless World.” Times Literary Supplement. 1992.
Bulman, Colin. “Devising and Teaching a Creative Writing Course.” Critical Quarterly. 1894.
Burnham, Clint. The Only Poetry That Matters: Reading the Kootenay School of Writing. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.
Cain, Mary Ann. “To Be Lived’: Theorizing Influence in Creative Writing.” College English 2009.
Chaves, Geri Giebel. Poetry and Story Therapy: The Healing Power of Creative Expression. Kingsley Publishers, 2011.
Clark, Timothy. The Theory of Inspiration: Composition as a Crisis of Subjectivity in Romantic and Post-Romantic Writing. Manchester University Press, 1997.
Coles, Katharine. “Short Fiction.” Teaching Creative Writing, Ed. Graeme Harper, Continuum, 2006.
Conroy, Frank. Eleventh Draft: Craft and the Writing Life from Iowa Writers’ Workshop. HarperCollins, 1999.
Damon, Maria. “Post-Literary Poetry, Counterperformance, and Micropoetries.” Poetry & Pedagogy: The Challenge of the Contemporary. Ed. Joan Retallack and Juliana Spar. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Damon, Maria. Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries. University of Iowa Press, 2011.
Dana, Robert. A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. University of Iowa Press, 1999.
Desalvo, Louise. Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives. Beacon, 1999.
Domina, Lynn. “The Body of My Work Is Not Just a Metaphor.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy. Ed. Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostorm. NCTE, 1994.
Donnelly, Dianne. Establishing Creative Writing Studies as an Academic Discipline. Multilingual Matters, 2012.
Downs, Doug and Elizabeth Wardle. “Teaching about Writing, Righting Misconceptions: (Re)Envisioning ‘First-Year Composition’ as ‘Introduction to Writing Studies.’” College Composition and Communication. 2007.
Fenza, David. “The Centre Has Not Held: Creative Writing & Pluralism.” New Writing: International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing. 2011.
Green, Chris. “Materializing the Sublime Reader: Cultural Studies, Reader Response, and Community Service in the Creative Writing Workshop. College English 64.2. November 2001.
Haake, Katherine. What Our Speech Disrupts: Feminism and Creative Writing Studies. NCTE, 2000.
Haake, Katherine. “Teaching Creative Writing if the Shoe Fits.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy, edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom. NCTE, 1994.
Hesse, Douglas. “The Place of Creative Writing in Composition Studies.” College Composition and Communication 62.1. 2010.
Forna, Aminatta. “Don’t Judge a Book by its Author.” The Guardian. 13 February 2015. Web.
Garber, Eugene and Jan Ramjerdi. “Reflections on the Teaching of Creative Writing: A Correspondence.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy, Ed. Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom. NCTE, 1994.
Kroll, Jeri. “Creativity, Craft, and the Canon: Unpacking the Cult(ure) of the Workshop.” The and is papers: proceedings of the 12th conference of the AAWP. 2007, Ed. Jen Webb and Jordan Williams. Web.
Leahy, Anna, ed. Power and Identity in the Creative Writing Classroom: The Authority Project. Multilingual Matters, 2005.
Lopate, Phillip. “On the Necessity of Turning Oneself into a Character.” I & Eye: Contemporary Creative Nonfiction, Ed. B. Minh Nguyen and Porter Shreve. Pearson Longman, 2005.
Madden, Matt. 99 Ways to Tell a Story. Chamberlain Brothers, 2005.
Myers, D.G. The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing since 1880. 1st ed. Prentice Hall, 1996.
Ostrom, Hans. “Introduction: Of Radishes and Shadows, Theory and Pedagogy.” Colors of a Different Horse: Rethinking Creative Writing Theory and Pedagogy. NCTE, 1994.
Pelli, Dennis G. and Bigelow, Charles. “A Writing Revolution.” Seed Magazine (2009). January 2013.
Philips, Deborah and Liz Linington. Writing Well: Creative Writing and Mental Health. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999.
Pink, Daniel. “The MFA Is the New MBA.” Harvard Business Review. February 2004.
Ritter, Kelly. To Know Her Own History: Writing at the Woman’s College, 1943-1963. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012.
Ritter, Kelly. “Ethos Interrupted: Diffusing ‘Star’ Pedagogy in Creative Writing Programs.” College English 69. 2007.
Royster, Brent. “The Construction of Self in the Contemporary Creative Writing Workshop: A Personal Journey.” Bowling Green State University, 2006.
Sanders, Scott Russell. “The Writer in the University.” ADE Bulletin 99. Fall 1991.
Scharff, Jacna Wojcicka and Johanna Lessinger. “The Academic Sweatshop: Changes in the Capitalist Infrastructure and the Part-Time Academic.” Anthropology of Work Review 15.1. 2008.
Summerfield, Judith. “Is There a Life in This Text? Reimagining Narrative.” Writing Theory and Critical Theory, edited by John Clifford and John Schilb. Modern Language Association of America, 1994.
Vanderslice, Stephanie. Rethinking Creative Writing. Professional and Higher Partnership, 2011.
Wandor, Michelene. The Author Is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else: Creative Writing Reconceived. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Warner, Michael. “Uncritical Reading.” Polemic: Critical or Uncritical (Essays from the English Institute), Ed. Jane Gallup. Routlege, 2004.
Webb, Jen. Researching Creative Writing. Frontinus, 2015.
Welch, Nancy. “No Apology: Challenging the ‘Uselessness’ of Creative Writing.” Journal of Advanced Composition 19.1. Winter 1999.
Westbrook, Steve. “Just Do It: Creative Writing Exercises and the Ideology of American Handbooks.” New Writing:International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 1.2. 2004.
Composition Studies
Adler-Kassner, Linda and Elizabeth Wardle. Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of
Writing Studies. University Press of Colorado. 2015.
Bloom, Lynn Z. “Freshman Composition as Middle-Class Enterprise.” College English. 1996.
Clark, Suzanne. “Rhetoric, Social Construction, and Gender: Is It Bad to Be Sentimental?” Writing Theory and Critical Theory, Eds. John Clifford and John Schilb. Modern Language Association, 1994.
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