Evaluating BA and MFA Creative Writing Programs
We want our creative writing programs to be inviting, affirming spaces for all students who come to them. We want our workshop conversations to be filled with the rigor that only comes from a diversity of perspectives. We want our pedagogies to be equitable, antiracist, and sustainable. What steps do we need to take to transform our programs?
This framework is designed for academic programs in creative writing, to counter the harmful effects of the traditional workshop articulated by writers such as Junot Díaz, Claudia Rankine, and Viet Thanh Nguyen.
The framework enables creative writing programs to self-evaluate their practices in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The sections below describe what faculty can do at the department-level to increase equity in their programs, in conjunction with campuswide strategic planning regarding diversity and inclusion.
Representation matters: The framework asks faculty to think about what their department communicates through curriculum, programming, marketing, and personnel decisions. How can creative writing pursue antiracist and anticolonial approaches to education?
It's about everything we do. See our decision-making through the lens of antiracism and anticolonialism, asking: Who is centered? Who is served? Who gets to decide?
We want our creative writing programs to be inviting, affirming spaces for all students who come to them. We want our workshop conversations to be filled with the rigor that only comes from a diversity of perspectives. We want our pedagogies to be equitable, antiracist, and sustainable. What steps do we need to take to transform our programs?
This framework is designed for academic programs in creative writing, to counter the harmful effects of the traditional workshop articulated by writers such as Junot Díaz, Claudia Rankine, and Viet Thanh Nguyen.
The framework enables creative writing programs to self-evaluate their practices in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The sections below describe what faculty can do at the department-level to increase equity in their programs, in conjunction with campuswide strategic planning regarding diversity and inclusion.
Representation matters: The framework asks faculty to think about what their department communicates through curriculum, programming, marketing, and personnel decisions. How can creative writing pursue antiracist and anticolonial approaches to education?
It's about everything we do. See our decision-making through the lens of antiracism and anticolonialism, asking: Who is centered? Who is served? Who gets to decide?