Articles on Creative Writing Pedagogy
Adnot-Haynes, Becky, and Tessa Mellas. “Knocking Sparks: Demystifying Process in Graduate Fiction Workshops.” Pedagogy 12.2 (Spring 2012): 299-318.
Andrews, Kimberly. “A House Divided: On the Future of Creative Writing.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 242-55.
Bahls, Patrick. “Math and Metaphor: Using Poetry to Teach College Mathematics.” WAC Journal 20 (2009): 75-90.
Bailey, Christine, and Patrick Bizzaro. “Research in Creative Writing: Theory into Practice.” Research in the Teaching of English 52.1 (2017): 77-97. Print.
Bailey, Jennifer. “Creative Writing in Higher Education: Towards a Redefinition of Reading and Writing.” Higher Education Review 29.3: 65-69.
Barbot, Baptiste, Mei Tan, Judi Randi, Gabrielle Santa-Donato, and Elena L. Grigorenko. "Essential Skills for Creative Writing: Integrating Multiple Domain-specific Perspectives." Thinking Skills and Creativity 7.3 (2012): 209-223.
Barth, John. “Can It Be Taught?” Further Fridays: Essays, Lectures, and Other Nonfiction, 1984-94. Boston: Little Brown, 1995. 22-34.
Bausch, Richard. “How to Write in 700 Easy Lessons: The Case Against Writing Manuals.” The Atlantic Fiction Supplement (2010). 28-31.
Bawer, Bruce. “Dave Smith’s ‘Creative Writing.’” Prophets & Professors: Essays on the Lives and Works of Modern Poets. Brownsville: Story Line P, 1995.
Bellamy, Joe David. “The Theory of Creative Writing I & II.” Literary Luxuries. American Writing at the End of the Millennium. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1995. 87-107.
Betts, Doris. “Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses.” ADE Bulletin 79 (1984): 34-36.
Bhavin Tailor. "Crossing Genres." South Atlantic Review 82.1 (2017): 37-48.
Bishop, Wendy. “Places to Stand: The Reflective Writer-Teacher in Composition.” College Composition and Communication 51.1 (Sept. 1999): 9-31.
—. “Teaching Undergraduate Creative Writing: Myths, Mentors, and Metaphors.” Journal of Teaching Writing 7.7 (1988): 83-102.
Bizzaro, Patrick. “Research and Reflection: The Special Case of Creative Writing.” College English 66.3 (Jan. 2004): 294-309.
—. “Should I Write This Essay or Finish a Poem? Teaching Writing Creatively.” College Composition and Communication 49.2 (May 1998): 285-87.
—. “Teacher as Writer and Researcher: The Poetry Dilemma.” Language Arts (Oct. 1983): 851-59.
—. “Writers Wanted: A Reconsideration of Wendy Bishop.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 256-71.
Blythe, Hal, and Charlie Sweet. “The Writing Community: A New Model for the Creative Writing Classroom.” Pedagogy 8.2 (Spring 2008): 305-25.
Bogen, Don. “Beyond the Workshop: Suggestions for a Process-Oriented Creative Writing Course.” Journal of Advanced Composition 5 (1984): 149-161.
Bradbury, Malcolm. “The Bridgeable Gap: Bringing Together the Creative Writer and the Critical Theorist in an Authorless World.” TLS (Jan. 1992): 7-9.
Brophy, Kevin. “Speculations on Creative Frenzy and its Biology.” New Scholar: An International Journal of the Humanities, Creative Arts and Social Sciences 2.1 (2013): 59-68.
Bruns, Gerald L. “Poetic Communities.” The Iowa Review 32.1: 1-38.
Bulman, Colin “Creative Writing in Higher Education: Problems of Assessment.” English in Education 20.1 (1986): 48-54.
Bulman, Colin. “Devising and Teaching a Creative Writing Course.” Critical Quarterly 26.3: 73-81.
Cain, Mary Ann. “Problematizing Formalism: A Double-Cross of Genre Boundaries.” College Composition and Communication 51.1 (Sep. 1999): 89-95.
—. “’To Be Lived’: Theorizing Influence in Creative Writing.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 229-41.
Calonne, David Stephen.”Creative Writers and Revision.” Revision: History, Theory, and Practice. Ed. Alice Horning and Anne Becker. West Lafayette: Parlor Press, 2006. 142-176.
Carruth, Hayden. “How Not to Rate a Poet.” Effluences from the Sacred Cave: More Selected Essays and Reviews. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1983. 11-16.
Cherry, Kelly. “When All Is Said and Done, How Literary Theory Really Affects Contemporary Fiction.” New Literary History 21.1 (Autumn 1985): 111-20.
Chestek, Virginia L. “Teaching Creative Writing: An Emphasis on Preparation.” Freshman English News 15: 16-19.
Cook, Jon. “Creative Writing as a Research Method.” Research Methods for English Studies. Ed. Gabriele Griffin. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2005. 195-211.
Cooley, Nicole. “Literary Legacies and Critical Transformations: Teaching Creative Writing in the Public Urban University.” Pedagogy 3.1 (2003): 99-103.
Crockett, Andy. “Straddling the Rhet Comp/Creative Writing Schism.” Writing on the Edge 9.2 (Spring 1998): 83-97.
Dawes, Kwame, and Christy Friend. “English 890: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric ‘Teaching Creative Writing: Theories and Practices.” Composition Studies 31.2 (Fall 2003): 107-24.
Dawn, Paul. “Thou Shall Have Balance: The Ten Commandments of Teaching Creative Writing.” (2007). 10 Dec. 2008.
Dawson, Paul. “The Function of Critical Theory in Tertiary Creative Writing Programmes.” Southern Review 30.1 (1997): 70-80.
Day, Cathy, Anna Leahy, and Stephanie Vanderslice. “Where Are We Going Next: A Conversation About Creative Writing Pedagogy.” Fiction Writers Review (Feb. 2011). Web. 12 Aug. 2013. Part 1 & Part 2.
Delaney, Edward J. “Where Great Writers Are Made: Assessing America’s Top Graduate Writing Programs.” The Atlantic Fiction Supplement (2007).
Dooley, David. “The Contemporary Workshop Aesthetic.” The Hudson Review 43.2 (Summer 1990): 259-280.
English, James. “Winning the Culture Game: Prizes, Awards, and the Rules of Art.” New Literary History 33.1 (Winter 2002): 109-135.
Evenson, Brian. “Across the Curriculum: Creative Writing.” Teaching Narrative Theory. Eds. Herman, David, Brian McHale and James Phelan. New York: MLA, 2010. 70-8.
Fleischer, Kass. “Scenes from the Battlefield: A Feminist Resists the Writing Workshop.” The Iowa Review 22. 1 109-115.
Goggin, Maureen Daly. “The Tangled Roots of Literature, Speech Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric/Composition, and Creative Writing: A Selected Bibliography on the History of English Studies.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 29.4 (Autumn 1999): 63-87.
Gordimer, Nadine. “The Essential Gesture: Writers and Responsibility.” Granta 15 (1985): 137-50.
Gray, Michael Loyd. “Speaking My Mind: Method and Madness in the Creative Writing Workshop.” The English Journal 89.1 (Sep. 1999):17-19.
Green, Chris. “Materializing the Sublime Reader: Cultural Studies, Reader Response, and Community Service in the Creative Writing Workshop.” College English 64 2 (Nov. 2001): 153-74.
Haake, Katharine. “Creative Writing.” English Studies: An Introduction to the Discipline(S). Ed. McComiskey, Bruce. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2006. 153-98.
Hamilton, Edith. “The Teaching of Creative Writing: A Paradox.” The English Journal 23.1 (Jan.1934): 30-36.
Hanauer, David Ian. (2003). Multicultural moments in poetry: The importance of the unique. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 60(1), 69-87.
Harper, Graeme. “Creative Writing: Words as Practice-Led Research.” Journal of Visual Arts Practice 7.2 (2008): 161-171.
Harris, Judith. “Re-Writing the Subject: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Creative Writing and Composition Pedagogy.” College English 63.2 (Nov. 2001): 175-204.
Hesse, Douglas. “The Place of Creative Writing in Composition Studies.” College Composition and Communication 62.1 (September 2010).
—. “Response to Clyde Moneyhun.” College Composition and Communication 63.3 (2012): 524-27.
Herman, Gerald. “Adapting Queneau’s ‘Exercices de Style’ to Classroom Use: An Experiment in Creative Writing at the Undergraduate Level.” ADFL Bulletin 17.1 (1985): 44-47.
Hilton, Charles. “Objectives for Creative Writing Courses.” English Journal 22.3 (1933): 225-230.
Howarth, Peter. “Creative Writing and Schiller’s Aesthetic Education.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 41.3 (Fall 2007): 41-58.
Holland, Siobhan, et al. Report Series No.6: Creative Writing: A Good Practice Guide. London: Learning and Teaching Support Network English Subject Centre of the U of London, 2002.
Hugo, Richard. “In Defense of Creative Writing: Nuts and Bolts.” American Poetry Review (Mar./Apr. 1979): 21-27.
Johnson, Amanda. “Empathic Deterritorialisation: Re-mapping the Postcolonial Novel in Creative Writing Classrooms.” JASAL 12.1 (2012): 1-16.
Kerr, Lisa. “More Than Words: Applying the Discipline of Literary Creative Writing to the Practice of Reflective Writing in Health Care Education.” Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (2010): 295-301.
Klinkowitz, Jerome. “Writing to Learn, Learning to Write: MFA Programs and the Future of Fiction.” North American Review 295.1 (2010): 41-43.
Koehler, Adam. “Digitizing Craft: Creative Writing Studies and New Media: A Proposal.” College English 75.4 (March 2013): 379-97.
Kostick, Lila. “Undergraduate Workshops in Creative Writing.” College English 13.6 (Mar. 1952): 334-336.
Kremers, Carolyn. “Through the Eyes and Ears of Another Culture: Invention Activities and a Writers’ Workshop.” Exercise Exchange 35.5: 3-11.
Kroll, Jeri, and Donna Lee Brien. “Studying for the Future: Training Creative Writing Postgraduates for Life after Degrees.” Arts Education 2.1: 1-13.
Kupfer, Fern. “The Dream, and the Reality, of Writing Fiction.” Chronicle of Higher Education: Chronicle Review 49.20 (2003), B5.
Lena, Jennifer C., Danielle J. Lindemann. "Who is an artist? New data for an old question." Poetics 43 (April 2014): 70-85.
LeNoir, W. David. “Grading Student Poetry: A Few Words from the Devil’s Advocate.” The English Journal 91.3 (Jan., 2002): 59-63.
Lensmire, Timothy J., and Lisa Satanovsky. “Defense of the Romantic Poet? Writing Workshops and Voice.” Theory into Practice 37 4 (Autumn 1998): 280-88.
Leonard, Elisabeth Anne. “Assignment #9. A Text Which Engages the Socially Constructed Identity of Its Writer.” College Composition and Communication 48.2 (May 1997): 215-30.
Light, Gregory. “From the Personal to the Public: Conceptions of Creative Writing in Higher Education.” Higher Education 43 (2002): 257-76.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Lore, Practice, and Social Identity in Creative Writing Pedagogy: Speaking with a Yellow Voice?” Pedagogy 10.1 (Winter 2010): 79-93.
—. “The Strangeness of Creative Writing: An Institutional Query.” Pedagogy 3.2: 151-69.
Lodge, David. “Creative Writing: Can It/Should It Be Taught?” Practice of Writing. New York: Penguin, 1997. 171-78.
Mayers, Tim. “One Simple Word: From Creative Writing to Creative Writing Studies.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 217-28.
McFarland, Ron. “An Apologia for Creative Writing.” College English 55.1 (January 1993): 28-45.
—. “Ron McFarland Responds.” College English 56.2 (Feb. 1994): 220-22.
McGurl, Mark. "The Program Era: Pluralisms of Postwar American Fiction." Critical Inquiry 32.1 (Autumn 2005): 102-129.
—. “Understanding Iowa: Flannery O’Connor, B.A., M.F.A.” American Literary History 19.2 (2007): 527-545.
McVey, David. “Why All Writing Is Creative Writing.” Innovations in Education and Teaching International 45.3: 289-94.
Menand, Louis. “Show or Tell: Should Creative Writing Be Taught?” The New Yorker. 8 Jun. 2009. Web. 12 Aug. 2013.
Minot, Stephen. “Creative Writing: Start with the Student’s Motive.” College Composition an Communication 27.4 (Dec. 1976): 392-94.
Moneyhun, Clyde. “Response to Doug Hesse’s ‘the Place of Creative Writing in Composition Studies’.” College Composition and Communication 63.3 (2012): 520-24.
Moore, John Noell. “Practicing Poetry: Teaching to Learn and Learning to Teach.” The English Journal 91.3 (Jan. 2002): 44-50.
Morton, Donald, and Mas’ud Zavarzadeh. “The Cultural Politics of the Fiction Workshop.” Cultural Critique 11 (Winter 1988-1989): 155-73.
Myhill, Debra, and Anthony Wilson. "Playing it Safe: Teachers’ views of creativity in poetry writing." Thinking Skills and Creativity (2013).
Nash. Mildred J. “Planning and Evaluating a Creative Writing Course.” The English Journal 71.2 (Feb. 1982): 44-48.
Neubauer, Alexander. “The Fiction Class Revisited, or Can Fiction Writing Still Be Taught?” Poets & Writers (Mar./Apr. 1996): 42-53.
Newlin, Paul. “Creating Creative Writing in a Traditional English Department.” ADE Bulletin 78 (Summer 1984): 24-27.
O’Rourke, Rebecca. “Creative Writing as a Site of Pedagogic Identity and Pedagogic Learning.” Pedagogy 7.3 (2007): 501-512.
Ostrom, Hans “Undergraduate Creative Writing: The Unexamined Subject.” Writing on the Edge 1.1 (1989): 55-65.
Ostrom, Hans, and Wendy Bishop. “Letting the Boundaries Draw Themselves: What Theory and Practice Have Been Trying to Tell Us.” Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association. San Diego, CA. 1994.
Parini, Jay “Literary Theory and the Culture of Creative Writing.” Some Necessary Angels: Essays on Writing and Politics. New York: Columbia UP, 1997. 231-39.
Pateman, Trevor. “Writing: Some Thoughts on the Teachable and Unteachable in Creative Writing.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 32.3 (Fall 1998): 83-90.
Peary, Alexandria. “Spectators at Their Own Future: Creative Writing Assignments in the Disciplines and the Fostering of Critical Thinking.” WAC Journal 23: 65-81.
Peary, Alexandria. "Taking Self-help Books Seriously: The Informal Aesthetic Education of Writers." The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 48. 2 (Summer 2014): 86-104.
Peckham, Rachel. “The Elephants Evaluate: Some Notes on the Problem of Grades in Graduate Creative Writing Programs” Composition Studies 39.2 (2011): 79-99.
Perloff, Marjorie. “Creative Writing’ Among the Disciplines.” MLA Newsletter 38.1 (Spring 2006): 3-4.
Peterson, R. Stanley. “Once More to the Well: Another Look at Creative Writing.” The English Journal 50.9 (Dec. 1961): 612+617-619+637.
Pollack, Eileen. “Flannery O’Connor and the New Criticism: A Response to Mark McGurl.” American Literary History 19.2 (Summer 2007): 546-556.
Prentice, Penelope. “Teaching Creative Writing in the Twenty-First Century: Addressing All the Genres.” Annual Meeting of the College English Association. Buffalo, NY 1990.
Radavich, David. “Comment on ‘An Apologia for Creative Writing’.” College English 56.2 (Feb. 1994): 219-20.
—. “Creative Writing in the Academy.” Profession (1999): 106-12.
Ramey, Lauri. “Creative Writing and English Studies: Two Approaches to Literature.” (2001). 13 Aug. 2008.
Ristow, Ben. “Because of Wendy: A Bibliography of Wendy Bishop’s Creative Writing Scholarship.” Composing Ourselves of Writer-Teacher-Writers. Ed. Patrick Bizzaro, Alys Cuhane, and Devan Cook. New York: Hampton P, 2011.
Ritter, Kelly, and Stephanie Vanderslice. “Teaching Lore: Creative Writers and the University.” Profession (2005): 102-112.
Ritter, Kelly. “Ethos Interrupted: Diffusing ‘Star’ Pedagogy in Creative Writing Programs.” College English 69 (2007): 283-92.
—. “Professional Writers/Writing Professionals: Revamping Teacher Training in Creative Writing Ph. D. Programs.” College English 64.2 (Nov. 2001): 205-27.
Robet, Corine. Creative Writing at University: From an historical perspective. Australian Journal of French Studies 48.3 (Sep/Dec 2011): 311-322.
Roebuck, Ron. “Pulling From the Well: Allowing Creativity to Flow in the Creative Writing Workshop.” Educational Insights 11.1 (2007).
Rolls, Alistair. "French Studies and Creative Writing: Writing Self and Other: 'Any where out of the world'." Australian Journal of French Studies 48.3 (Sep/Dec 2011): 323-336.
Saleh, G. U. “Creative Writing As a Driving Force in the Making of Society.” Readings in Education, Development and Globalization (2012).
Sanders, Scott Russell. “The Writer in the University.” ADE Bulletin 99 (Fall 1991): 21-28.
Schlee, Ann. “Some Problems of a Creative Writing Class.” Adult Education 55.1 (982): 43-48.
Schultz, John.”The Story Workshop Method: Writing from Start to Finish.” College English 39.4 (Dec. 1977): 411-436.
Shamoon, Linda, and Celest Martin. “Which Part of the Elephant Is This? Questioning Creative Non-fiction in the Writing Major.” Composition Studies 35.1 (Spring 2007): 53-4.
Smith, Dave. “Notes on Responsibility and the Teaching of Creative Writing.” Local Assays: On Contemporary American Poetry. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1985. 215-28.
Smith, Frank. “Myths of Writing.” Language Arts 58 (1981): 792-98.
Smitherman, Carey E. and Amanda K. Girard. “Creating Connection: Composition Theory and Creative Writing Craft in the First-Year Writing Classroom.” Currents in Teaching and Learning 3.2 (Spring 2011).
Snider, Zachary. “Creative Social Commentary in the Composition Classroom.” Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education 20.1: 87-97.
St. Clair, Philip. “A Wilderness with a Map: Teaching the First Course in Creative Writing.” Iowa English Bulletin 35.1 (1987): 43-55.
Stein, Kevin. “What Are We up To?” Iowa English Bulletin 35.1: 3-10.
Stoll, Patricia. “You Must Begin at Zero: Story Workshop.” College English 35.3, (Dec. 1973): 256-266.
Tate, Allen. “What Is Creative Writing?” Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 5.3 (Autumn, 1964): 181-184.
Tatum, Stephen. “The Thing Not Named”; or, The End of Creative Writing in the English Department.” ADE Bulletin 106 (Winter 1993): 30-34.
Taylor, Debbie. “Can Writing Be Taught?” Mslexia 20: 12-15.
Teichmann, Sandra Gail. “Comment on ‘An Apologia for Creative Writing’.” College English 56.2 (Feb. 1994): 217-19.
Teleky, Richard. “Entering the Silence’: Voice, Ethnicity, and the Pedagogy of Creative Writing.” MELUS 26.1 (Spring 2001): 205-19.
Tomlinson, Barbara. “Cooking, Mining, Gardening, Hunting: Metaphorical Stories Writers Tell About Their Composing Processes.” Metaphor and Symbol 1.1: 57-79.
Uzzell, Thomas H. “Creative Writing: A Professional View.” The English Journal 24.1 (Jan., 1935): 10-17.
Vakil, Ardashir. “Teaching Creative Writing.” Changing English 15.2 (Jun. 2008): 157-65.
van Oostrum, Duco, Richard Steadman-Jones, and Zoe Carson. “Taking the Imaginative Leap: Creative Writing and Inquiry-Based Learning.” Pedagogy (2008).
Welch, Nancy. “No Apology: Challenging the ‘Uselessness’ of Creative Writing.” JAC 19.1 (Winter 1999): 117-34.
Wojciechowska, Maia. “What I Teach in Creative Writing Classes.” The Writer 100.7 (Jul. 1987): 5-6.
Wilson, Anthony, and Sue Dymoke. "Towards a model of poetry writing development as a socially contextualised process." Journal of Writing Research 9.2 (Oct. 2017): 127-150.
Yamamoto, Traise. “Creative Writing.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 21.1/2 (2000): 225-236.
Zacharias, Lee. “The Institution of Creative Writing.” Journal of Teaching Writing 23.2 (2013).
Andrews, Kimberly. “A House Divided: On the Future of Creative Writing.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 242-55.
Bahls, Patrick. “Math and Metaphor: Using Poetry to Teach College Mathematics.” WAC Journal 20 (2009): 75-90.
Bailey, Christine, and Patrick Bizzaro. “Research in Creative Writing: Theory into Practice.” Research in the Teaching of English 52.1 (2017): 77-97. Print.
Bailey, Jennifer. “Creative Writing in Higher Education: Towards a Redefinition of Reading and Writing.” Higher Education Review 29.3: 65-69.
Barbot, Baptiste, Mei Tan, Judi Randi, Gabrielle Santa-Donato, and Elena L. Grigorenko. "Essential Skills for Creative Writing: Integrating Multiple Domain-specific Perspectives." Thinking Skills and Creativity 7.3 (2012): 209-223.
Barth, John. “Can It Be Taught?” Further Fridays: Essays, Lectures, and Other Nonfiction, 1984-94. Boston: Little Brown, 1995. 22-34.
Bausch, Richard. “How to Write in 700 Easy Lessons: The Case Against Writing Manuals.” The Atlantic Fiction Supplement (2010). 28-31.
Bawer, Bruce. “Dave Smith’s ‘Creative Writing.’” Prophets & Professors: Essays on the Lives and Works of Modern Poets. Brownsville: Story Line P, 1995.
Bellamy, Joe David. “The Theory of Creative Writing I & II.” Literary Luxuries. American Writing at the End of the Millennium. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1995. 87-107.
Betts, Doris. “Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses.” ADE Bulletin 79 (1984): 34-36.
Bhavin Tailor. "Crossing Genres." South Atlantic Review 82.1 (2017): 37-48.
Bishop, Wendy. “Places to Stand: The Reflective Writer-Teacher in Composition.” College Composition and Communication 51.1 (Sept. 1999): 9-31.
—. “Teaching Undergraduate Creative Writing: Myths, Mentors, and Metaphors.” Journal of Teaching Writing 7.7 (1988): 83-102.
Bizzaro, Patrick. “Research and Reflection: The Special Case of Creative Writing.” College English 66.3 (Jan. 2004): 294-309.
—. “Should I Write This Essay or Finish a Poem? Teaching Writing Creatively.” College Composition and Communication 49.2 (May 1998): 285-87.
—. “Teacher as Writer and Researcher: The Poetry Dilemma.” Language Arts (Oct. 1983): 851-59.
—. “Writers Wanted: A Reconsideration of Wendy Bishop.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 256-71.
Blythe, Hal, and Charlie Sweet. “The Writing Community: A New Model for the Creative Writing Classroom.” Pedagogy 8.2 (Spring 2008): 305-25.
Bogen, Don. “Beyond the Workshop: Suggestions for a Process-Oriented Creative Writing Course.” Journal of Advanced Composition 5 (1984): 149-161.
Bradbury, Malcolm. “The Bridgeable Gap: Bringing Together the Creative Writer and the Critical Theorist in an Authorless World.” TLS (Jan. 1992): 7-9.
Brophy, Kevin. “Speculations on Creative Frenzy and its Biology.” New Scholar: An International Journal of the Humanities, Creative Arts and Social Sciences 2.1 (2013): 59-68.
Bruns, Gerald L. “Poetic Communities.” The Iowa Review 32.1: 1-38.
Bulman, Colin “Creative Writing in Higher Education: Problems of Assessment.” English in Education 20.1 (1986): 48-54.
Bulman, Colin. “Devising and Teaching a Creative Writing Course.” Critical Quarterly 26.3: 73-81.
Cain, Mary Ann. “Problematizing Formalism: A Double-Cross of Genre Boundaries.” College Composition and Communication 51.1 (Sep. 1999): 89-95.
—. “’To Be Lived’: Theorizing Influence in Creative Writing.” College English 71.3 (Jan. 2009): 229-41.
Calonne, David Stephen.”Creative Writers and Revision.” Revision: History, Theory, and Practice. Ed. Alice Horning and Anne Becker. West Lafayette: Parlor Press, 2006. 142-176.
Carruth, Hayden. “How Not to Rate a Poet.” Effluences from the Sacred Cave: More Selected Essays and Reviews. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1983. 11-16.
Cherry, Kelly. “When All Is Said and Done, How Literary Theory Really Affects Contemporary Fiction.” New Literary History 21.1 (Autumn 1985): 111-20.
Chestek, Virginia L. “Teaching Creative Writing: An Emphasis on Preparation.” Freshman English News 15: 16-19.
Cook, Jon. “Creative Writing as a Research Method.” Research Methods for English Studies. Ed. Gabriele Griffin. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2005. 195-211.
Cooley, Nicole. “Literary Legacies and Critical Transformations: Teaching Creative Writing in the Public Urban University.” Pedagogy 3.1 (2003): 99-103.
Crockett, Andy. “Straddling the Rhet Comp/Creative Writing Schism.” Writing on the Edge 9.2 (Spring 1998): 83-97.
Dawes, Kwame, and Christy Friend. “English 890: Studies in Composition and Rhetoric ‘Teaching Creative Writing: Theories and Practices.” Composition Studies 31.2 (Fall 2003): 107-24.
Dawn, Paul. “Thou Shall Have Balance: The Ten Commandments of Teaching Creative Writing.” (2007). 10 Dec. 2008.
Dawson, Paul. “The Function of Critical Theory in Tertiary Creative Writing Programmes.” Southern Review 30.1 (1997): 70-80.
Day, Cathy, Anna Leahy, and Stephanie Vanderslice. “Where Are We Going Next: A Conversation About Creative Writing Pedagogy.” Fiction Writers Review (Feb. 2011). Web. 12 Aug. 2013. Part 1 & Part 2.
Delaney, Edward J. “Where Great Writers Are Made: Assessing America’s Top Graduate Writing Programs.” The Atlantic Fiction Supplement (2007).
Dooley, David. “The Contemporary Workshop Aesthetic.” The Hudson Review 43.2 (Summer 1990): 259-280.
English, James. “Winning the Culture Game: Prizes, Awards, and the Rules of Art.” New Literary History 33.1 (Winter 2002): 109-135.
Evenson, Brian. “Across the Curriculum: Creative Writing.” Teaching Narrative Theory. Eds. Herman, David, Brian McHale and James Phelan. New York: MLA, 2010. 70-8.
Fleischer, Kass. “Scenes from the Battlefield: A Feminist Resists the Writing Workshop.” The Iowa Review 22. 1 109-115.
Goggin, Maureen Daly. “The Tangled Roots of Literature, Speech Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric/Composition, and Creative Writing: A Selected Bibliography on the History of English Studies.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 29.4 (Autumn 1999): 63-87.
Gordimer, Nadine. “The Essential Gesture: Writers and Responsibility.” Granta 15 (1985): 137-50.
Gray, Michael Loyd. “Speaking My Mind: Method and Madness in the Creative Writing Workshop.” The English Journal 89.1 (Sep. 1999):17-19.
Green, Chris. “Materializing the Sublime Reader: Cultural Studies, Reader Response, and Community Service in the Creative Writing Workshop.” College English 64 2 (Nov. 2001): 153-74.
Haake, Katharine. “Creative Writing.” English Studies: An Introduction to the Discipline(S). Ed. McComiskey, Bruce. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2006. 153-98.
Hamilton, Edith. “The Teaching of Creative Writing: A Paradox.” The English Journal 23.1 (Jan.1934): 30-36.
Hanauer, David Ian. (2003). Multicultural moments in poetry: The importance of the unique. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 60(1), 69-87.
Harper, Graeme. “Creative Writing: Words as Practice-Led Research.” Journal of Visual Arts Practice 7.2 (2008): 161-171.
Harris, Judith. “Re-Writing the Subject: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Creative Writing and Composition Pedagogy.” College English 63.2 (Nov. 2001): 175-204.
Hesse, Douglas. “The Place of Creative Writing in Composition Studies.” College Composition and Communication 62.1 (September 2010).
—. “Response to Clyde Moneyhun.” College Composition and Communication 63.3 (2012): 524-27.
Herman, Gerald. “Adapting Queneau’s ‘Exercices de Style’ to Classroom Use: An Experiment in Creative Writing at the Undergraduate Level.” ADFL Bulletin 17.1 (1985): 44-47.
Hilton, Charles. “Objectives for Creative Writing Courses.” English Journal 22.3 (1933): 225-230.
Howarth, Peter. “Creative Writing and Schiller’s Aesthetic Education.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 41.3 (Fall 2007): 41-58.
Holland, Siobhan, et al. Report Series No.6: Creative Writing: A Good Practice Guide. London: Learning and Teaching Support Network English Subject Centre of the U of London, 2002.
Hugo, Richard. “In Defense of Creative Writing: Nuts and Bolts.” American Poetry Review (Mar./Apr. 1979): 21-27.
Johnson, Amanda. “Empathic Deterritorialisation: Re-mapping the Postcolonial Novel in Creative Writing Classrooms.” JASAL 12.1 (2012): 1-16.
Kerr, Lisa. “More Than Words: Applying the Discipline of Literary Creative Writing to the Practice of Reflective Writing in Health Care Education.” Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (2010): 295-301.
Klinkowitz, Jerome. “Writing to Learn, Learning to Write: MFA Programs and the Future of Fiction.” North American Review 295.1 (2010): 41-43.
Koehler, Adam. “Digitizing Craft: Creative Writing Studies and New Media: A Proposal.” College English 75.4 (March 2013): 379-97.
Kostick, Lila. “Undergraduate Workshops in Creative Writing.” College English 13.6 (Mar. 1952): 334-336.
Kremers, Carolyn. “Through the Eyes and Ears of Another Culture: Invention Activities and a Writers’ Workshop.” Exercise Exchange 35.5: 3-11.
Kroll, Jeri, and Donna Lee Brien. “Studying for the Future: Training Creative Writing Postgraduates for Life after Degrees.” Arts Education 2.1: 1-13.
Kupfer, Fern. “The Dream, and the Reality, of Writing Fiction.” Chronicle of Higher Education: Chronicle Review 49.20 (2003), B5.
Lena, Jennifer C., Danielle J. Lindemann. "Who is an artist? New data for an old question." Poetics 43 (April 2014): 70-85.
LeNoir, W. David. “Grading Student Poetry: A Few Words from the Devil’s Advocate.” The English Journal 91.3 (Jan., 2002): 59-63.
Lensmire, Timothy J., and Lisa Satanovsky. “Defense of the Romantic Poet? Writing Workshops and Voice.” Theory into Practice 37 4 (Autumn 1998): 280-88.
Leonard, Elisabeth Anne. “Assignment #9. A Text Which Engages the Socially Constructed Identity of Its Writer.” College Composition and Communication 48.2 (May 1997): 215-30.
Light, Gregory. “From the Personal to the Public: Conceptions of Creative Writing in Higher Education.” Higher Education 43 (2002): 257-76.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Lore, Practice, and Social Identity in Creative Writing Pedagogy: Speaking with a Yellow Voice?” Pedagogy 10.1 (Winter 2010): 79-93.
—. “The Strangeness of Creative Writing: An Institutional Query.” Pedagogy 3.2: 151-69.
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